What God Didn’t Set Us Free From
A reoccurring theme throughout the New Testament is the freedom that Christ has blessed us with. He’s blessed us with freedom from shame, unhappiness and discontent, and most importantly the freedom from the consequences of our sin.
But there is one thing that God hasn’t set us free from.
And that one thing is the Earthly consequence of our sin.
Our sins have physical consequences as well as spiritual. Lust can lead to disease. Greed and covetousness can lead to criminal records. Anger and bitterness destroy marriages and families. And although we’re free from the guilt of our sin, those consequences might haunt us for the rest of our lives.
We must teach our children that God will forgive them of all their sins. But we must also teach them that reckless, irresponsible decisions will affect them during this life–Sometimes in terrible ways.